my creative pursuits with quilts and knits

Posts tagged ‘Block Lotto’



I was putting together the blocks for the 2014 Mod Mod Sampler from Block Lotto, and here is my epic fail at sewing curves.  I have successfully made Drunkard’s Path blocks with quarter circles, but these semi-circles were too much.

I needed to come up with something else for that space in the quilt.  I looked at some traditional blocks, but this is a Modern Modular design.  So I improvised, first trying string piecing.


Then I turned to my favorite bit of quilting, the 2-1/2″ square.  I had a stack of red and blue squares and I needed a 7×7 grid to make my 14″ block.  Here is the arrangement I came up with.

imageNow I just need one more 14″ block and I can finish the sampler.

I keep sewing the split 9-patch as my leader-ender project.


I have sewn 76 blocks, and I want 120 to make a quilt top.


Long Term Projects

** Comment on the Oct 24 post to enter a charm square giveaway!  Open until Sunday Oct 26**

Before there were online quilt alongs, local shops would entice their customers with BOM projects – Blocks of the Month.  Many designers still offer these projects, and it’s a great way to tackle a large quilt.

I have been working with some friends on a year-long Bible Study/quilt project called “Women of the Bible” and tonight I finished block 52!  Here are the second half blocks, but it looks like I misplaced one.  ARGH.  That is certainly a sign that it is time for a deep clean of the sewing room!  The other 51 blocks have stayed nicely in their pile, I don’t know what happened to the Shunamite Woman…


Some other BOMs have been patiently waiting for attention for many years.  I have all the blocks done for the 2007 Marti Michell quilt called Hidden Stars…

image All it needs is a border!

A couple years ago I joined the Fat Quarter Stars QAL:


I stalled after putting the sashing on.

And the Block Lotto patterns from this year will make a nice QOV…I have seven months worth done.


How old are your projects?  Would you start with the project that is closest to being done or whichever strikes your fancy?

My UFO Pile

I am a member of Ravelry, the online knitting community.  Many of us have a variety of hobbies, and there is a “Quilters Knitting” group on Ravelry that is very active, especially when it comes to tackling UnFinished Objects.  Each quarter, we post a list of at least 5 quilting projects that are languishing in our sewing space.  I coordinate the “Send” group, which means that if you finish a project, the group members will send you a fat quarter.  It may seem trivial, but even that small reward is enough to motivate me!

Last quarter (July – Spetember) I was busy with school and my daughter’s ice skating life, but I did manage to finish this for Quilts of Valor:


I made the blocks in 2013 with patterns from Block Lotto, a monthly exchange group.  I finished the top on New Year’s Day 2014, as part of the Quilts of Valor Sit and Sew event.  Then it sat in my longarm pile, until I looked at the calendar and needed a quick finish for the Ravelry UFO challenge!  I loaded it onto my machine and did so fun free motion designs in each block, with a simple wavy line in the sashing and loopy meandering in the border.  I need to wash it and make a presentation case (pillow case) then drop it off for our state coordinator to present to a deserving veteran.

I have quite a few tops to work on for the next round of the UFO Challenge, Oct – Dec.

1. Star Light Star Bright – I recently finished the blocks, so the next step is borders then quilting and binding.


2. Football Chain – a baby quilt and pattern to be published.


3-12. Tops that have been in the longarm pile for years…


Front row: 3D trees, Square-in-a-square QOV, Mystery QOV, 4patch posy, 3Ps in a Pod

Back row: Mardi Gras Bargello, Turning 20 Christmas, Star Chain

On the wall: Sedona Stars

Those projects should definitely keep me busy, but I guarantee that something else will catch my fancy and the list will grow!

What projects are you working on this month?


Okay, I have to confess a minor bout of “start-it is.”I have never been a monogamous crafter…I have dozens of projects laying about, so I have plenty to choose from when I get time to hide away in the sewing room.  But, it is getting a bit overwhelming to have four quilts in rotation.  I may have to put something in time out just to make space on the table!

First up are some grey and white Drunkard’s Path blocks for a secret project.  I was intimidated by sewing curves, but my mom told me the trick is to keep the arch of white fabric puffed up, with just the seam allowance flat along the curved arc of the grey fabric.  And that is working beautifully, yay!image

My second project is bead blocks for the February Block Lotto group.  I made three in the yellow-orange-maroon colors for the exchange, then made these in patriotic colors for the Mod Mod QAL that Sophie is hosting this year.  I need to go back and finish the January chevrons…I need 4 of those for a twin size quilt, and 10 of the beads.


I have my basket of squares ready and when I get to the end of chain piecing for a different project, I reach for one of these blocks.  imageI am using 2-1/2″ squares, so these blocks finish at 6 inches.  I will need at least 120 bl0cks to make it QOV size.  I will be satisfied if I have enough for a top by the end of the year!

And some progress on the Star Light Star Bright QAL: imageFlying Geese on the left and 1/4th of the required half square triangles on the right.  Last week’s assignment was over 300 HSTs!!  There was no way I could get that done.  I haven’t even peeked at this week’s directions, but I think we have enough units to make a whole star block.  image

I decided to swap out one fabric.  The “Mardi Gras” colors in the top piece were not playing well with my other fabrics.  Each star will have two main colors and an accent plus the background which is that tan fabric shown above.  Yes, I cut all the pieces, and paired the groups of three for the star blocks, then decided it just wasn’t working, so I found that tonal purple in my stash.  I cut the purple squares to make HSTs, then as needed I will replace the other sections.

Wow, looking at all of these fun projects makes me itch to start sewing right this minute!  Let’s see if I still have that inspiration after my daughter’s bedtime routine…

A finished QOV

Today is Quilts of Valor National Sew Day, and I have done my part.image

I started this top during the Quilts of Valor New Year’s Day 2014 Sit-n-Sew.  Looks like I can get a lot accomplished if I quilt on the first of the month!  Actually, I made the blocks throughout 2013 using Sophie’s patterns from Block Lotto.  (This year, she has even drafted a full pattern along with the blocks, so everyone can join the fun in the Mod-Mod QAL!)

The blocks were an unusual 6″ x 9″, so the center was a long rectangle.  I knew I needed borders to bring it to the QOV officially recommend size of 60×80.  I decided to add 6″ pinwheels to the right and left, and just a 3″ strip across the top and bottom.  I found a great patriotic print called “Stars and Stripes Bandana” to use as the outer border.

I will put this one at the top of my “to-be-quilted” pile and maybe during Spring Break in March I can do the final steps and get this in the mail to a worthy recipient.  Thanks to all who serve in our military!

If you want more information about Quilts of Valor, click here.

Finished under the wire

2013-12-31 11.20.18I started these Crossed Stars on January 1 as a project for Quilts of Valor.  Many quilters were participating in a New Year’s Day Sit-n-Sew.  I got a few blocks done then continued the project throughout the year.  I used each fabric three times…as the star, the background and as the cross.  It was a fun pattern, originally shared with the Block Lotto by Sophie Wood.

I made 42 blocks and then added the one inch yellow sashing.  I needed another border to make it a decent size for Quilts of Valor.  Their minimum is 55 by 65, but I prefer something around 60 by 70.  This one ended up at 65 by 75. 2013-12-31 11.20.59I quilted it with a pantograph called Square Spiral.  It is a little bit tricky to get perfectly straight lines!  Isn’t wonderful how well those not-so-straight lines show up in tan thread on a red background?!?  Yikes!  Oh well, the texture is wonderful and it gets that nice crinkly look after a spin in the washing machine.

I need to make a pillowcase then ship this out!  You can get more information about this great organization at the Quilts of Valor Foundation website.

I have a new project in mind for the 2014 New Year’s Day Sit-n-Sew…again thanks to Sophie and the Block Lotto, but I will share that tomorrow 😉  Enjoy the celebrations tonight!

Block Lotto fun

We have been making 6″x9″ blocks this year. I made some in the required batiks for exchange, then I made these two patriotic for my QOV sampler.
Check out my other blog, to see my other big project, a 52 week quilt along!
Happy stitching!

Sampler Blocks

I am taking a break from projects with deadlines to just play in the sewing room.  I had fallen behind with the Block Lotto, but Sophie keeps wonderful records of all the block instructions.  I made a few blocks for the July drawing and then went back to my plan to make duplicate blocks in patriotic colors.  By the end of the year, I should have enough for another Quilt of Valor!image

Some of the patterns did not appeal to me to put in a patriotic sampler (hearts, birds, ships) so I adapted, and pieced a random log cabin and some half-square triangles.  All the blocks are 6 1/2 by 9 1/2.


I have seen some layouts recently with “shadow” sashing, and that might be fun to play with.  Here is an example of a Shadow Quilt:4387430825_ed421dcaed(Photo from Flickr, by tjrcraft)

Another long term project I am mulling over is a tribute to my Air Force Academy class.  Our motto was “True Blue 92” so I am planning a quilt with 92 blue stars.  I started looking for patterns on Marcia’s terrific website Quilter’s Cache.  Plenty of ideas!  Now to just get my sewing space organized to work on several projects at once.  I love Bonnie Hunter’s idea of Leaders and Enders, but it does take some preparation to have the correct size pieces on hand.  Her challenge for the next year is to make Split 9-patch blocks, so grab your 2 1/2 inch squares and some pieces to make HSTs, and you can join the fun. (directions here) So many ideas…I’d better get stitching!

Slash Stars tips

I love the Block Lotto!  Since I work full time, and have an active family, I don’t get alot of time for my hobbies.  Making just a few blocks each month is very satisfying. The pattern for May is Slash Stars.  Basic instructions are to layer several fabrics, cut the star design, shuffle the fabrics and sew.

Some people get discouraged thinking there are y-seams to deal with, but if you plan ahead, the stars go together with straight seams.  Here, you can see the sketch I made before cutting:

I made 5 cuts (circled numbers) to get the star shape.  Then, I numbered the pieces in the order to sew.  The dark lines (circled letters) were the last straights seams.  Please comment or send me an email if you’d like more detailed instructions!  One thing to remember with these wonky, free-pieced blocks…you may end up with jagged edges as multiple pieces come together – see line 2B, I had a stair step going on there!  Don’t be afraid to trim.  Just cut an oversize square to start with.  I started with 12.5″ squares, and trimmed my blocks to 9.5″.  There is at least half an inch all around, so my points will not get cut off when the blocks are put into a quilt top.


Some tips

Here are my donations for the April Block Lotto.  (Visit the blog for full instructions)  This was a fun “sliced” nine patch block made from plaids.  This would be a fun project for those thrift store bargains, Sophie suggests recycling men’s shirts!

Since you slice across the center square to add the accent strip, it gets tricky to line things up again.  I put pins at the seams…then lined up the stitches with my pins.  Put one pin in the center when the fabrics are right-sides-together, then remove the original pins before sewing.  You can also see how I “pop” my four-patch intersections so the seams are a little less bulky.  Think of a pinwheel and twist the seams so that all the seam allowances rotate around the center.  This does mean that sometimes you are pressing to the lighter fabric!